Posts Tagged ‘back’
Look back in joy: the power of nostalgia
Look back in joy: the power of nostalgia
A fellow PhD student of mine went to relieve himself behind a bush. My supervisor shouted: 'Don't do that– go and pee in the … And also to look at the importance of other possibilities for nostalgia. Our brief-term goal is to try to convince the …
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I Lent My Vagina to Science
After the erotic video clip concludes, by means of my headphones I hear the voice of Erick Janssen, PhD, a wisecracking, bespectacled Dutch researcher whose notable work in the field of arousal has earned him the moniker Dr. Really feel Great. Janssen … What led …
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Rainbow List 2014, 1 to 101
Dr Stone became famous when she was gored by a stag, and the media focused not on her PhD or her TED talk, but on her status as a trans lady. Working with All About ….. Sophie Ward. Actress. The actress, known for her roles in Young Sherlock Holmes …
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