Too Several Autistic Children Wander Off
Too Many Autistic Children Wander Off
Geraldine Dawson, PhD, is the chief science officer for the group Autism Speaks. She says first responders such as police and firemen need to be educated about wandering and the importance of working closely with parents to develop a search plan that …
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Take this 10 minute Test to Know Your Face-Name Memory IQ
"It's a simple test that only takes about 10 minutes to complete," says research team member David Balota, PhD, professor of psychology in Arts & Sciences. "We're finding that people really seem to enjoy being tested this way." The participants not …
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The University at Bay
When I received my PhD, I owed $ 350 — enough to buy a used Pontiac convertible). The state of California and the United States at the time were less than half as wealthy as they are today — nominally anyway. Did it work? Splendidly, by any reasonable …
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