Research Supports Significance of Meals Labels for a Wholesome Diet plan
Dr Anil Khamis addresses students on the importance of education in the developing world – Accra, 10 February 2012
Image by IOE London
Dr Anil Khamis delivered a lecture to 35 students on the topic: ‘The importance of education in the developing world’. The event was organised by the British Council as part of the Education UK exhibition, and Dr Khamis spoke about education policy and practice across Africa before taking questions from the assembled students.
Dr Khamis is a former programme leader for the MA Education and International Development degree, and continues to teach on the Doctor in Education course.
Study Supports Importance of Food Labels for a Healthy Diet
“First we analyzed the profile of those who read the nutritional label when purchasing foods, and then we moved on to the relationship with their weight,” said María Loureiro, Ph.D., lead author of the study published in the Agricultural Economics journal.
When Is More Not Always Better? Advances in Science That Raise Important …
Vivian Diller, Ph.D. is a psychologist in private practice in New York City. She serves as a media expert on various psychological topics and as a consultant to companies promoting health, beauty and cosmetic products. Her book, "Face It: What Women …
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