Lastest Phd Importance News
Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates
Image by 1yen
The commencement speaker. As expected, there were some vocal protesters, but they were quickly silenced. Gates spoke of the importance of public service; it was actually a nice commencement speech.
Photo by Eyton Zelazo
p53 Is Biomarker in Patients With DLBCL on R-CHOP
The role of p53 mutations as a marker of poor prognosis in DLBCL patients treated with CHOP therapy has been well studied; however, its role following the advent of immunochemotherapy with rituximab (Rituxan, Genentech)—R-CHOP—had not been well …
Read more on Clinical Oncology News
Higher diabetes risk for breast cancer survivors
As more U.S. women survive breast cancer, understanding the long term health risks for survivors is becoming more and more important. Although studies have shown that women with diabetes have higher risks of postmenopausal breast cancer and up to 50 …
Read more on The Grio
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