Moneyball for Tenure? Not Until Academia Is a Team Sport
What does “winning” mean for a higher education institution?
From 985 to World Class 2.0: China’s Strategic Move
The intensifying global university and subject rankings have had a far-reaching influence on the development of China’s higher education policy.
Higher Education Management in Developing Economies: Mission (Almost) Impossible?
Tertiary education systems in developing and emerging economies have been confronted with an unprecedented “flash flood” of students over the past 20 years.
Malaysia’s International Education by 2020 and Beyond
This entry is based on recent work in ASEAN and South Pacific Island States, specifically to address confusion between international education and the internationalization of education.
Safety Discussions
Notes from the Educause security experts and larger education privacy conference.
Rankings and High quality
Rankings too usually turn into a surrogate for quality but we have to recognize that there is a common require to make sense of the diverse international higher education environment.