Lastest Academic Job Interview News
Faces of Meth: ten years later, anti-drug campaign endures, as does impact on …
The 48-minute DVD is a mix of the same type of pictures that created Faces of Meth well-liked, coupled with interviews with law enforcement and locked-up addicts. It's a difficult video to watch. Blood infections … The lights come back on, and King asks the …
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Academic Movers 2014: In Depth with Cathryne Kaufman
In the latest of our In-Depth Interviews with Library Journal Movers & Shakers from academic libraries, sponsored by SAGE, we spoke with Cathryne Kaufman. In 2011 she and Brittany Dudek have been operating in the library at Illinois Central College, a big …
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Strauss: Washington U. basketball succeeds on its personal terms
David Fatoki, organization main, had a job interview. … They have embraced the essence of the term “student-athlete” and accomplished prestige without having academic dorms, without a single-and-done, with no study tables, with out tacitly defining basketball as a job.
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